Door-to-Door Transportation
We offer discounted transportation for Blair County individuals aged 60 and older.
Quality In Home Services
Our care managers help consumers in Blair County maintain their independence in the comfort of home.
Long Term Living Services in Blair County, PA
Our staff assists eligible older persons and their families with placement assessments for least restrictive living arrangements.
Emergency Protective Services for Older Adult Victims of Abuse
Our staff provides crisis intervention services for older adults who may be victims, or potential victims of elder abuse, abandonment, exploitation, or neglect.
Advocacy Programs for Blair County Seniors
Our staff advocates for the health, safety, and rights of long term care consumers.
PA MEDI Health Insurance Counseling
Understand Your Medicare, Medicaid, and Long Term Care Benefits.
Blair Senior Services, Inc. Podcasts
Keeping you informed by listening to Blair Senior Services, Inc.’s staff, volunteers and guests share information on services, programs, and news for Pennsylvania older adults, their families, and caregivers.
Blair Senior Services, Inc.
Area Agency on Aging
Blair Senior Services, Inc. is committed to enhancing the lives of older individuals, their families and others in need by coordinating and providing support and assistance through a system of quality home and community based programs and services. Our professional staff and volunteers are dedicated to the principles and values of advocacy, empowerment, dignity and respect.
2020 Census
The 2020 Census will soon be underway and it is vital for everyone to participate. The Census, which is a once-a-decade population count, determines very important decisions, such as the number of representatives each state has in the U.S. House ...
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